Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I Want to See the Wonder

Gentle Reader, I've Had Enough.

Every day, there's another rumor. Every single day, I check Whedonesque for information regarding the upcoming Wonder Woman movie. I follow link after link, hoping for something, anything about The Amazon Princess.

Instead, I get nothing but insanity, rumor, and speculation.

Lindsay Lohan, Rachel Whomever, Kate Beckinsale, pretty much anyone but Monica Bellucci and Gina Torres (who, along with Morena Baccarin, are This Humble Author's Top Three Choices to play the Amazon Princess) have been "slated" to play Wonder Woman, and the script Isn't Even Finished! The Woman Wonder's age hasn't even been established!

And please, give these three women some cheesecake already!

I am by no means An Advocate for Type-Casting, Gentle Reader, and I appreciate playing outside the box as much as possible. If an actor is talented enough, it doesn't matter whether she is a 6 foot tall dusky brunette or a 4'11 pale blonde, she will do the role, any role, even this role, Justice. But for the love of God, let us avoid the "she'll look H.O.T. in a pair of spankies and a bustier" line of hiring. For the sake of the children, yes?

Will no one think of the children?!

Baccarin, Torres, and Bellucci. Three Talented Women who have proven, again and again, that they can handle whatever is thrown at them. Baccarin has the wide-eyed wonder of a woman leaving Paradise Island for the first time. Torres has the strength, will, and determination to blaze her way to truth and justice. Bellucci has the alienness, the separation, the utter *difference* that one expects from the Amazon Isolated from Humanity her entire life.

To be fair, Lohan had Mean Girls; this is true. It is A Great Movie, and I enjoyed her performance in it quite a bit. But really, that's all she's had. And Beckinsale had The Aviator and Much Ado About Nothing. While her work is Hit or Miss, it's more Hit than Miss, and that's saying a lot in Hollywood, no? But Rachel Whomever... I don't know what she has but apparently, a brief scene in some television show I don't watch in which she appears dressed as Wonder Woman qualifies her to star in the movie.


Dear Friends, I don't care if the actress they cast as Wonder Woman is skinny, fat, short, tall, muscular, flabby, has a lazy eye, a third eye, a fourth, right in the back of the head, as long as she's a Great Actress. As long as she takes the role and makes it her own. As long as she loves, yes, *loves* what she does so much that Wonder Woman comes alive on the screen for me.

Because I've waited so long to see her on The Big Screen. In the late seventies, I had the Underoos, the lunchbox, and the television show, and in the late nineties and the early aughts, I have the comics, the Barbies, the action figures. But throughout it all I've had the Wonder, the Joy, the Amazement that a Woman could be so Powerful, and I don't want to lose that. Ever.

Gentle Reader, rumor has it that there is a young gentleman in Hollywood who is so in awe of The Flash that he is lobbying for the movie, and for the title role. Ryan Reynolds adores The Fastest Man Alive so very much that he is *lobbying for the movie and for the title role*.

That's what I want to see in the actress chosen for Wonder Woman.

I want to see The Wonder.


At 4:27 PM, Blogger Amy Reads said...

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At 7:31 PM, Blogger Amy Reads said...

Hi Loren,
I *adore* Baccarin. We are, indeed, on The Same Wavelength, it seems! I, too, hope they go with an unknown, or relatively unknown, because it worked fantastically for Superman Returns, Spider-Man (TM was more indie star than otherwise), etc.
Make it someone who wants the part. Then she'll really deserve it.

At 12:17 AM, Blogger Ragnell said...

There was an article on Newsarama about a guy who wanted to play John Stewart (I think its one of the actors in The Closer) and I completely get what you're saying here because that guy's interview (He knew the Sector Number that Hal and John work in) just gave me a lot of fanjoy and hope for a GL movie someday.

And we just HAVEN'T seen that with the WW rumors. Every actress seems to have no real knowledge of her, other than this is the Big Superheroine so they want the part. *Sigh*

At 9:29 AM, Blogger Amy Reads said...

Hi Ragnell,
You said, And we just HAVEN'T seen that with the WW rumors. Every actress seems to have no real knowledge of her, other than this is the Big Superheroine so they want the part. *Sigh*

No, we really haven't, and it depresses the heck out of me. How many actresses in Hollywood grew up loving the Wonder Woman show? Half of the 18-30 set, at least? And not a single bloody one of them wants to play her in a movie?!?

It Boggles the Mind!

I've heard a few rumors here and there: This young woman, whoever she is, wants to play Wonder Woman so bad, she made a trailer. Charisma Carpenter really, REALLY wants to play Wonder Woman, and I don't think she'd be half-bad.

But if I could hear, say, Kate Winslet or Cate Blanchett or even, heck, Liv Tyler say, "I want to play Wonder Woman and NOW!" I think I'd be more optimistic.

But then there's that hope it follows the Superman Returns route. They cast an unknown who's a HUGE Superman fan, and I think it worked rather well.

You also said, There was an article on Newsarama about a guy who wanted to play John Stewart (I think its one of the actors in The Closer) and I completely get what you're saying here because that guy's interview (He knew the Sector Number that Hal and John work in) just gave me a lot of fanjoy and hope for a GL movie someday.

*squee!* John Stewart's actually my favorite GL, perhaps because of the JLU cartoon, but that's wonderful news. Selma Hayek wanted the Frieda movie so bad she lobbied for years; there needs to be more of that in Hollywood, no?
*crossing fingers*


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