Thursday, October 19, 2006

Quick hits through my pop culture world

Another busy week, Gentle Reader, and as usual, I'm behind on my pop culture addictions. I haven't watched Heroes, I haven't read 52 or Catwoman or Birds of Prey, and in fact, the only thing I have done On Time is watch Lost (oh my goodness! Lost!). At this moment, I am writing on tourism for the dissertation, so I decided to take a quick break and give you a brief tour through the pop culture I *have* managed to tackle this week:

***there may be spoilers below***

Gilmore Girls
I am very, very, very disappointed with the way this season is shaping up. In fact, I haven't even finished this week's episode yet. I will continue to watch, but only because I am that invested in the characters (several seasons in now). The writing is stilted, and the characters feel as if they are caricatures of themselves.

Lady Sovereign
How wonderful is she?!? Mr. Reads called me to the television yesterday to see the video for "Love Me or Hate Me" and it's true, I Love Her (and apparently, I am Thanked for it!). I find her talented and adorable, like an English one-woman Bis.

Egad! Lost! I think Desmond is either a) a time traveler, or b) another figment of Hurley's imagination. Locke becomes more interesting and more crazy, and Boone is still beautiful and creepy, even dead. Perhaps *especially* dead.

Muse: Black Holes and Revelations
Can this album be more beautiful than it already is? This Humble Author has read several people pooh-pooh the album as "too indebted to Radiohead," and I scream foul. The obvious influence for this album, and for the band in general, is Queen. Big beautiful arena rock. Watch the video for Knights of Cydonia and you'll even see the lead singer make Freddie Mercury Arms (held upwards towards the heavens).

Nancy Drew: Creature of Kapu Cave video game
Hush, Gentle Reader. It isn't polite to Laugh At A Lady. I don't play video games because I am Quite Awful at them, but I do enjoy my Nancy Drew puzzle games. I'm not very far in at all, but apparently with this game, I can play as both Nancy and one of the Hardy Boys. Unfortunately, I caught part of last week's South Park (blame Mr. Reads for this one) and I'm a bit jaded now.

Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip
Mr. Reads and I appear to be The Last Two People On Earth who love this show, and we will continue to watch it every Monday, or Friday, or at 3:00 a.m. Sunday morning, if NBC treats it the way Fox treated Firefly. I have never found Matthew Perry to be interesting, talented, or charming before this show, and I find all of these things true, and more.

While the movie has not come in on Netflix yet, your (yes you, Gentle Reader!) response to the post has inspired me to walk through my past every week or so. Next in line is the delightful, the fabulous, the "never-can-we-top-that" Teen Witch.


At 9:45 PM, Blogger Dr. Peters said...

Also loving Studio 60--but of course there's the whole Christian thing going on that is interesting to me for many reasons. I love that he broke up with her because she sang on the 700 club. And that she's not portrayed as crazy for being religious. Complicating issues that are too often oversimplified.

Also not loving Gilmore Girls. I'm kind of glad it's about to be over.

Have started watching Heroes. Am intrigued. Like the cheerleader. And the guy who used to be Jess because somewhere in my heart I'm a little bit in love with Jess.

I can keep up with you better when you talk about TV!

P.S. Brick is on my Netflix list--I will report to you when I have watched it. I recommend Thank You for Smoking--we just watched it last night.

At 11:26 PM, Blogger Marionette said...

I would really like to like Heroes, but I'm not sure I can watch it much longer unless it does something special to counter the suck.

At 9:02 AM, Blogger Matthew E said...

I still like 'Studio 60' okay... but only up to a point. When 'Sports Night' was cancelled I was heartbroken. When 'The West Wing' came to an end, I knew I'd miss it, but I couldn't really argue too hard that it wasn't time to pack it in. If they cancel 'Studio 60', oh well.

At 2:49 PM, Blogger Revena said...

I'm really enjoying Black Holes and Revelations, too. I hadn't made the Queen connection, but I think you're right. And I -love- Queen.

At 6:29 PM, Blogger Amy Reads said...

Hi Lyle,
I adore the Nancy Drew games. They're loads of fun, and quite hard when you come down to it. In fact, I've never finished one of the games because I could never solve the final puzzle (it's an actual puzzle box, and I'm not very good with those!). I'm not familiar with 7th Guest; what is it?

At 6:32 PM, Blogger Amy Reads said...

Hi Sarah,
We adore Studio 60, and particularly the crazy Christian parts, which are so interesting and current and complex. We will continue watching Gilmore Girls only because we've watched it for so long. My feeling is this: the new writer/director is trying so hard to be the old GG, that nothing's happening.
Milo/Jess is adorability itself. He's one of the reasons I'm watching Heroes, too!
We just saw Thank You For Smoking, and it was fantastic. Let me know what you think of Brick; we've got the Notorious Betty Page and Art School Confidential this week, and will recommend as needed.

At 6:33 PM, Blogger Amy Reads said...

Hi Marionette,
I would really like to like Heroes, but I'm not sure I can watch it much longer unless it does something special to counter the suck.

Did you see this week's episode? Mr. Reads was on the suck/not suck fence as well, and he feels that this week put him firmly in the not suck camp.
I've adored it since the beginning, however, so I can't do much more than gush :)

At 6:34 PM, Blogger Amy Reads said...

Hi Matt,
I still like 'Studio 60' okay... but only up to a point. When 'Sports Night' was cancelled I was heartbroken. When 'The West Wing' came to an end, I knew I'd miss it, but I couldn't really argue too hard that it wasn't time to pack it in. If they cancel 'Studio 60', oh well.

We're working our way through West Wing now, and are on Season 3. Sports Night is in queue to borrow from a friend. I think Studio 60 may be my favorite *new* show on this season, but I'm forever in love with the underdog (Inside, Eyes, Firefly) so it means that it'll probably be cancelled in a few weeks.

At 6:35 PM, Blogger Amy Reads said...

Hi Revena,
I'm really enjoying Black Holes and Revelations, too. I hadn't made the Queen connection, but I think you're right. And I -love- Queen.

Isn't it *fabulous*?? I think it's their best album to date. I've loved this band since I first heard them some years back, and they're easily in my top three.
And yay Queen!

At 9:30 PM, Blogger Amy Reads said...

Hi Skeets,
Studio 60 is my favorite new show of the season. It just needs to pick up a little steam, is all. (Could probably use a better timeslot too. My parents would watch the show if they stayed up that late.)

I agree. I think it's got too diverse an audience to have one intended audience, which will probably be what drives it off the air. I don't think Heroes grabs the same audience as Studio 60 (although I watch both), but they're going to judge it like that.

Heroes is okay, but it's a little too dark. I thought "grim 'n' gritty" was out of style now. Where's the optimism?

I think the optimism will come, promise! And grim and gritty in stuff like this is great for me. It's the grim and gritty CSI-type shows that drive me nuts...

Lost, thank dog, is already better than the previous season, which I feel didn't have enough material and misused characters. Killing Shannon for shock value? What is this, a comic book?

!!! I don't know if I agree with the Shannon assessment (I think her death was something necessary to furthering the plotline) but absolutely, this season is miles and away much better than last, which had me questioning whether I'd continue watching.

But you can tell the writers were students of Joss Whedon, because dead characters keep finding a way to come back.

:) Actually, it's very much a JJ Abrams thing more than a Joss Whedon thing. No one stays dead in Alias, which several people, unfortunately, stay dead in Firefly, Buffy, and Angel.
But is being a student of Joss a bad thing??? Okay, okay, I admit, I'm a big of a rabid fangirl, but I promise not to judge anyone who's not! I'm not a *blind* rabid fangirl, at least! :)

PS Sorry for the delay. Blogger kept eating my replies, so luckily, I saved it until I could post it again :)

At 9:29 AM, Blogger Amy Reads said...

Hi Skeets,
haha, of course not. If only there were more.

I'm having a bit of a Freaks' "One Of Us" moment right now, so feel free to ignore me :) Indeed, we need more Whedonites in the world, particularly those with access to actors and cameras!


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