Monday, November 20, 2006

Quick Hits Through My Pop Culture World #2

It's late, Gentle Reader, and I've miles to go before Thanksgiving break. But things, wonderful things have come to light, and as always, I'd like to share them with you.

Fragile Things by Neil Gaiman
Can "A Study in Emerald" and "Closing Time" be better stories? Not at all likely. I find this collection to be great fun but not, I think, as well put together as Smoke and Mirrors. Thoughts, Gentle Readers?

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Oh my goodness! There is a Trailer Online, in Quicktime fabulousness! If you are in Any Doubt of This Humble Author's delight over This Upcoming Film, just watch the Parliament fly-by, and then, All Doubt will be erased!

Heroes, 11/20/06 ***Spoilers***
Friends, does anyone else feel cheated over the "Save the Cheerleader, Save the World" resolution? I know I do. But Heroes gets better and better every week, although tonight, I found myself missing Hiro, very much.

The Observations by Jane Harris
Finished this gem of a novel just a few nights ago, and greatly enjoyed it. Although I must say that by the third page, I told Mr. Reads, "this book is greatly influenced by the diaries of Hannah Cullwick." Low and behold, the acknowledgements inform me that I am Right. Huzzah!

The Office
It's a sad, sad Turkey day because there is no new episode of The Office. This show, and Battlestar Galactica, are by far my two favorites on television.

Yes, it's true, Friends. I am to begin my first Role-Playing Game, and in the Serenity 'verse, no less.
Remember, it's Not Nice to laugh at a Lady.

The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield
Just began this gem of the novel last night and already, it promises to be Quite Wonderful Indeed. I shall keep you updated as it continues.

Happy Turkey Day!
As my current Chapter is due to the Director Herself on December 1, and as Mr. Reads and I are celebrating our two-year wedding anniversary this weekend (!), and as there is a Large Turkey To Cook and papers to grade and The Fountain gracing the theaters, I may be a bit scarce until December rolls around. Until then, I bid you all a wonderful Thanksgiving, and, of course, a wonderful end to November Sweeps!


At 9:49 AM, Blogger Matthew E said...

Friends, does anyone else feel cheated over the "Save the Cheerleader, Save the World" resolution?

Not really. For a couple of reasons:

1. We haven't seen the world saved yet. We don't know how saving Claire saves the world. There could still be a lot of work ahead for the boys and girls.

2. We still don't know for sure just which cheerleader they were supposed to save. What if it wasn't Claire who had to live, but the other one--was her name Jackie? Maybe Hiro and Peter are going to have to go back in time and stop Sylar from killing her, in the style of Back to the Future II. Just an idea.

3. At least something got resolved: Sylar was caught, and if Persuasive Girl and Memory Wipe Man can't immediately, comprehensively and irrevocably neutralize him, nobody can.

4. It strikes me that Peter surviving through absorbing Claire's powers was supposed to be a bigger payoff than we might have thought it. I mean, if you've read a lot of comics or played any superhero role-playing games, it's obvious. But it might have been a big revelation for those new to the genre.

At 1:27 PM, Blogger Amy Reads said...

Hi Matthew,
1. We haven't seen the world saved yet. We don't know how saving Claire saves the world. There could still be a lot of work ahead for the boys and girls.

It's true, and here's the "what I *really* meant was..." that I always shy away from ;)
What I think bugged me about it wasn't the lack of resolution, but rather, the commercial hype regarding the saving of the world. All of the trailers, the tag lines, the "save the cheerleader, save the world" commercials, and then, I just felt a bit let down at the actual resolution. I loved the *lack* of resolution, mind you, just not the failed promise of such.

2. We still don't know for sure just which cheerleader they were supposed to save. What if it wasn't Claire who had to live, but the other one--was her name Jackie? Maybe Hiro and Peter are going to have to go back in time and stop Sylar from killing her, in the style of Back to the Future II. Just an idea.

Mr. Reads and I thought the same thing, too! Huzzah!

3. At least something got resolved: Sylar was caught, and if Persuasive Girl and Memory Wipe Man can't immediately, comprehensively and irrevocably neutralize him, nobody can.

I love the Batman-goodness of the father, i.e. the complete scary but still good-ness of him. I just didn't want daddy to be evil, no?

4. It strikes me that Peter surviving through absorbing Claire's powers was supposed to be a bigger payoff than we might have thought it. I mean, if you've read a lot of comics or played any superhero role-playing games, it's obvious. But it might have been a big revelation for those new to the genre.

After the first scene, Mr. Reads looked over at me and said, "well, if he's going to die saving someone, who is he going to be standing next to?" and then we both went, "ohhhh." So yes, it was definitely there, but I liked the fact that *he* didn't know he was going to live, and was completely willing to sacrifice his life for a bigger, better cause. That part of the show is really doing it for me.

Again, I adore Heroes! But it's no Buffy...

At 1:28 PM, Blogger Amy Reads said...

Hi Loren,
I totally agree with you about missing Hiro in the last episode of Heroes, but I wasn't really disappointed with the episode. I finish every episode more and more intrigued with what is going on. If anything, I'm more intrigued with Eden and who she is...or, for that matter, what Claire's father's organization is all about and what they plan to do. Oh, such goodness...

True, true, and true! See my above response to Matthew :)

And, if you're going to start playing RPGs, Serenity is the way to do it! Have fun!

Will do! The boys are coming over tomorrow for our initial meeting, and we're going to grill and chat. I'll report back. All I know is that I've decided to play a companion, and everyone keeps saying, "well, of course Amy was going to play a companion," which makes me suspicious of all my friends' opinions of me....

At 3:20 PM, Blogger Fanboy said...

I agree with Matthew's first point. I think the adverstising got the better of the fans, leading them to believe that the storyline with the end of the world would wrap up. Adverstising misrepresenting something? I can't imagine.

On a totally random note, I saw Casino Royale this week and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving Amy.

At 8:34 PM, Blogger Matthew E said...

All of the trailers, the tag lines, the "save the cheerleader, save the world" commercials

Well, it is one of the stupidest catchphrases ever. They must have repeated it twelve times in that episode, and every time they did, I was all, "Can we please knock it off with this? Doesn't Mohinder have to do another voiceover?"

At 9:19 AM, Blogger Amy Reads said...

Hi Mr. Fanboy,
I agree with Matthew's first point. I think the adverstising got the better of the fans, leading them to believe that the storyline with the end of the world would wrap up.

Fair enough, as long as we see that I'm a victim, too ;)

Adverstising misrepresenting something? I can't imagine.

It's true! It happens! I have evidence and everything!!

On a totally random note, I saw Casino Royale this week and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Mr. Reads and I have had a date all week to see The Fountain, on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and now today. Um, life keeps getting in the way.
All of this to say that CR is next on our list. That good, huh?

Hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving Amy.

I did :) And you?

At 9:20 AM, Blogger Amy Reads said...

Hi Matthew,
Well, it is one of the stupidest catchphrases ever. They must have repeated it twelve times in that episode, and every time they did, I was all, "Can we please knock it off with this? Doesn't Mohinder have to do another voiceover?"

My personal favorite of the silliness was Peter saying, "so did I save you? And thus the world?" or something like that to Clare.
*shakes head*


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